tiempo Zaragoza

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012

Social Science
This week we have studied the Renaissance.
We have talked about the artists in this Era. One of the best ones is
Michelangelo. He had sculpted some statues as David

MIchelangelo sculpted this statue of David, that has more than 4 metres
high, in only 2 years, this character is the main charater of the
Biblic scene "David and Goliath" This statue is too big, the biggest
made in 1500 years, until the Roman Era. This man is convenced that he
is going killed Goliath. He is before the war. One anecdote is:
One time, one important politician saw the statue, before Michelangelo
had finsish it, and he said that the nose was very big.
Michelangelo made thin the politician that he reduced the nose but in
the reality, he putted marble powder. The politician trust that
Michelangelo had remake the nose, but it was equal as before was. He
is a fantastic humanist.

Rubén S. 2ºH

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