tiempo Zaragoza

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Social Science

This week in Socials we did many things, one of these things was the exam of unit 8.  On Monday James, the English's teacher from USA, explained the time line of the Catholic Monarch and the family tree of the Catholic Monarch.  This family tree is very complicated because the marriages alliances with Portugal are repeated with deaths and marriages.  When the men died, the woman married the men's brother and when the woman died the men's brother married the woman's sister.  On Thursday we corrected an exercice of the time line and after words we made a map with the territories of the Catholic Monarch and the marriages alliances with Portugal, Holy Roman Empire and England.  Finally on Friday, we gave in the notebooks to the teacher and we did the exam.

Jorge M. & Nerea L. 2ºG

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